Algorithms & Data Structures

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs

β€” Niklaus Wirth


Β  Prose Code Code details Math Breadth and Depth Price
TAOCP 1πŸ† 3 MIX assembly, pseudocode 1πŸ† 1πŸ† $$$$
Skiena 2 1πŸ† pseudocode, C 4 3 Available for free
Dasgupta 3 2 high-level pseudocode that resembles Pascal 3 4 $
CLRS 4 2 high-level pseudocode that resembles Pascal 2 2 $$

Table based on A Comparison of Four Algorithms Textbooks. See also: ALGORITHMS AND DATA STRUCTURES BOOKS: ONE SIZE DOESN’T FIT THEM ALL


Online resources

Computational Complexity
