History repeating: public fear

I wanted to compare public fear of GMO with public fear of vaccination in early periods of smallpox vaccine development. But it appears that it wasn’t so irrational fear: there were death accidents and other negative consequences in early stages of research. My initial purpose was to show, that fear of GMO is irrational, but my approach was wrong.

I’m trying to be scientific and objective. Still sometimes I fail and use logic fallacies. Errare humanum est.

This meant to be series of “history repeating” posts: to show recurring patterns in history.

The word is about, there’s something evolving,
whatever may come, the world keeps revolving.
They say the next big thing is here,
that the revolution’s near,
but to me it seems quite clear
that it’s all just a little bit of history repeating

History Repeating - Shirley Bassey

In the early empirical days of vaccination, before Louis Pasteur's work on establishing the germ theory and Lister's on antisepsis and asepsis, there was considerable cross-infection

Source: <a href=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smallpox_vaccine>Wikipedia</a>

Anti-GMO organization exploits public fear to fight with genetic engineering

In case of smallpox vaccination, experimentation was done before there was strong scientific theory developed. There were errors. So caricature by James Gillray depicting the early controversy surrounding Jenner’s vaccination theory had some ground behind it. While anti GMO-poster simply using public fear without any background or research.

See also: