Collection of my ideas and thoughts. Think of it like a place where each idea gets its own URL.

September 2 1967 the principality of Sealand is declared


At September 2, 1967 pirate radio boss captures North Sea fort - and declares the independent Principality of Sealand.

You can read whole history of Principality of Sealand in Wikipedia or visit official site.

Summary: Jakob Nielsen’s 10 general principles for interaction design. They are called “heuristics” because they are broad rules of thumb and not specific usability guidelines.

Original version

Open source civilization

video, ♻ ecology, open source

Do you remember those turn-based strategy games in which you build your civilization from scratch? Like Age of Empires, Civilization or freeciv. This is the same but, for real life. Plus ecological and economical benefits.

Global Village Construction Set

Humans are herd animals

psychology, ecology, herd behavior

Herd behavior describes how individuals in a group can act collectively without centralized direction. The term can refer to the behavior of animals in herds, packs, bird flocks, fish schools and so on, as well as the behavior of humans in demonstrations, riots and general strikes, sporting events, religious gatherings, episodes of mob violence and everyday decision-making, judgment and opinion-forming.


Herd behavior was a good strategy at some point of evolution.

But it doesn’t seem to be so good, when you can destroy planet with push of a button.

When you can destroy life on earth by deforestation, by increased production of carbon dioxide, by plastic pollution, by destroying ozone layer.

I think this all happens because of lack of education.

We need to teach people to think on their own, take decisions. Each day.

From plastic recycling to 3D printing

video, ♻ ecology, open source

Precious plastic is an open source project about plastic recycling. Among the other things it allows to produce plastic cords.

RepRap is humanity's first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine.

Isn’t it awesome?

Public key cryptography - Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Erik Lucero's Quantum Computing Breakthrough


The most useful so far are aspell and proselint. Both can tolerate markdown.

aspell check file/
proselint file/

While software can be helpful, please do not forget about good old books. A classic book on the subject is The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.. TODO: republish using gitbook.

Recent finding: grammarly.

goto vs excetions

goto vs exceptions

Spoiler alert

Cool UI Elements


Collection of some great UI/UX elements which I’m admiring.

Composition over Inheritance

video, functional, oop

This is <a href=>@sandimetz</a>. She is strong OOP advocate (with SmallTalk background) and awesome speaker. In this talk she advocates composition

This is <a href=>@mpjme</a>. He is strong functional advocate (with Haskell background, I guess) and awseome youtube blogger. In this talk he advocates composition

It seems to me, that it was never the case of Functional vs Object-oriented.

WAT. A lightning talk by Gary Bernhardt from CodeMash 2012.

Web Typography

typography, Houdini

Take a look at this video, which describes problems of modern web typography and how it is relates with classical book printing mastery.

TODO: list books mentioned in video.

Disclaimer: unfinished post / collection of links / side notes

Building blog


I want to build, let’s call it a blog. Something that I can use as notebook, knowledge-base, snippets store, share platform. Other purposes of this blog are: train writing skills and use it as CV.